The goal of the Information Technology (IT) Core is to provide cutting-edge software development and computing support for MPC research projects. The large scale of MPC data projects requires sophisticated infrastructure for software development and data processing. To meet these ever-increasing demands, the IT Core must innovate continuously. In recognition of the leading role played by the IT core in developing new technology for population data infrastructure, MPC has been named a Sun Microsystems Center of Excellence in Spatiotemporal Informatics. Most funding for IT sen/ices at MPC comes from direct costs of sponsored research projects; a small percentage comes from nonsponsored and R24 funds. The R24 funding meets two essential needs. First, the grant supports equipment and services, such as shared equipment and Core administration, that benefit all MPC researchers and cannot be allocated to particular research projects. Second, R24 funds support information technology for research projects under development that do not yet have sponsored funding. Even though center grant funding represents a modest proportion of the Core budget, these funds are essential to the IT Core's effective operation.
Henning-Smith, Carrie; Shippee, Tetyana; Capistrant, Benjamin (2018) Later-Life Disability in Environmental Context: Why Living Arrangements Matter. Gerontologist 58:853-862 |
Bakhtsiyarava, Maryia; Grace, Kathryn; Nawrotzki, Raphael J (2018) Climate, Birth Weight, and Agricultural Livelihoods in Kenya and Mali. Am J Public Health 108:S144-S150 |
Patel, Niharika P; Prizment, Anna E; Thyagarajan, Bharat et al. (2018) Urban vs rural residency and allergy prevalence among adult women: Iowa Women's Health Study. Ann Allergy Asthma Immunol 120:654-660.e1 |
Gutmann, Myron P; Merchant, Emily Klancher; Roberts, Evan (2018) ""Big data"" in economic history. J Econ Hist 78:268-299 |
Rowan, Kathleen; Mumford, Elizabeth; Clark, Cari Jo (2018) Is Women's Empowerment Associated With Help-Seeking for Spousal Violence in India? J Interpers Violence 33:1519-1548 |
Levison, Deborah; DeGraff, Deborah S; Dungumaro, Esther W (2018) Implications of Environmental Chores for Schooling: Children's Time Fetching Water and Firewood in Tanzania. Eur J Dev Res 30:217-234 |
Phelps, Michelle S (2017) Mass probation: Toward a more robust theory of state variation in punishment. Punishm Soc 19:53-73 |
Iroh Tam, P Y; Krzyzanowski, B; Oakes, J M et al. (2017) Spatial variation of pneumonia hospitalization risk in Twin Cities metro area, Minnesota. Epidemiol Infect 145:3274-3283 |
Schroeder, Jonathan P (2017) Hybrid Areal Interpolation of Census Counts from 2000 Blocks to 2010 Geographies. Comput Environ Urban Syst 62:53-63 |
Grecequet, Martina; DeWaard, Jack; Hellmann, Jessica J et al. (2017) Climate Vulnerability and Human Migration in Global Perspective. Sustainability 9: |
Showing the most recent 10 out of 152 publications