Seo, Jin-soo; Poulter, C Dale (2014) Sandwich antibody arrays using recombinant antibody-binding protein L. Langmuir 30:6629-35
Choi, Seoung-ryoung; Breugst, Martin; Houk, Kendall N et al. (2014) ?-Deuterium isotope effects as probes for transition-state structures of isoprenoid substrates. J Org Chem 79:3572-80
Choi, Seoung-Ryoung; Seo, Jin-Soo; Bohaty, Rochelle F H et al. (2014) Regio- and chemoselective immobilization of proteins on gold surfaces. Bioconjug Chem 25:269-75
Viswanathan, Rajesh; Labadie, Guillermo R; Poulter, C Dale (2013) Regioselective covalent immobilization of catalytically active glutathione S-transferase on glass slides. Bioconjug Chem 24:571-7
Bellesia, Franco; Choi, Seoung-ryoung; Felluga, Fulvia et al. (2013) Novel route to chaetomellic acid A and analogues: serendipitous discovery of a more competent FTase inhibitor. Bioorg Med Chem 21:348-58
Rudolf, Jeffrey D; Poulter, C Dale (2013) Tyrosine O-prenyltransferase SirD catalyzes S-, C-, and N-prenylations on tyrosine and tryptophan derivatives. ACS Chem Biol 8:2707-14
Seo, Jin-soo; Lee, Sungwon; Poulter, C Dale (2013) Regioselective covalent immobilization of recombinant antibody-binding proteins A, G, and L for construction of antibody arrays. J Am Chem Soc 135:8973-80
Rudolf, Jeffrey D; Wang, Hong; Poulter, C Dale (2013) Multisite prenylation of 4-substituted tryptophans by dimethylallyltryptophan synthase. J Am Chem Soc 135:1895-902
Heaps, Nicole A; Poulter, C Dale (2011) Synthesis and evaluation of chlorinated substrate analogues for farnesyl diphosphate synthase. J Org Chem 76:1838-43
Koohang, Ali; Bailey, Jessica L; Coates, Robert M et al. (2010) Enantioselective inhibition of squalene synthase by aziridine analogues of presqualene diphosphate. J Org Chem 75:4769-77
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