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Minic, Zeljka; Zhang, Yanhua; Mao, Guangzhao et al. (2016) Transporter Protein-Coupled DPCPX Nanoconjugates Induce Diaphragmatic Recovery after SCI by Blocking Adenosine A1 Receptors. J Neurosci 36:3441-52
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Buttry, Janelle L; Goshgarian, Harry G (2015) WGA-Alexa transsynaptic labeling in the phrenic motor system of adult rats: Intrapleural injection versus intradiaphragmatic injection. J Neurosci Methods 241:137-45
Buttry, Janelle L; Goshgarian, Harry G (2014) Injection of WGA-Alexa 488 into the ipsilateral hemidiaphragm of acutely and chronically C2 hemisected rats reveals activity-dependent synaptic plasticity in the respiratory motor pathways. Exp Neurol 261:440-50
Goshgarian, Harry G; Buttry, Janelle L (2014) The pattern and extent of retrograde transsynaptic transport of WGA-Alexa 488 in the phrenic motor system is dependent upon the site of application. J Neurosci Methods 222:156-64
Goshgarian, Harry G (2009) The crossed phrenic phenomenon and recovery of function following spinal cord injury. Respir Physiol Neurobiol 169:85-93
Huang, Yonglu; Goshgarian, Harry G (2009) The potential role of phrenic nucleus glutamate receptor subunits in mediating spontaneous crossed phrenic activity in neonatal rat. Int J Dev Neurosci 27:477-83
Huang, Yonglu; Goshgarian, Harry G (2009) Postnatal conversion of cross phrenic activity from an active to latent state. Exp Neurol 219:66-73
Kajana, Satkunendrarajah; Goshgarian, Harry G (2009) Systemic administration of rolipram increases medullary and spinal cAMP and activates a latent respiratory motor pathway after high cervical spinal cord injury. J Spinal Cord Med 32:175-82
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