Application is made for a one-time grant $119,500 for purchase of a JEOL Scanning Electronmicroscope (SEM). Nine associate investigators within the New York State College of Veterinary Medicine would be the principal users of the instrument; however, other investigators within the College will be provided access to this resource, as appropriate to their research and teaching needs. The requested instrument will replace an obsolete fourteen year old Hitachi HU-L-ESEM. The new microscope will be placed in a renovated existing laboratory in the basement of Schurman Hall specifically staffed and provisioned for scanning electron microscopy. It will serve as a college-wide resource under the supervision of an experienced electronmicroscopy laboratory supervisor and complement the existing TEM resources available to college faculty. The new SEM would be operated by a full time trained technician under the direction of a users' committee. Operating costs of the laboratory will be charged to the users on a uniform fee for service basis. Upgrading the SEM capabilities has been given a high priority by the college and every assurance has been made for continued support, staffing and maintenance of the SEM laboratory.