? The burden of cancer in Oklahoma is significant, especially among Native Americans and African Americans. In general, these two groups have disproportionately higher incidence and mortality rates for many cancers, and they experience higher risks for cancer because of lifestyle choices and barriers to appropriate cancer interventions. Using a model of community participatory planning and research, the Oklahoma Community Networks Program (CNP) seeks to reduce cancer health disparity through the following aims: 1) Establish a collaborative network involving the University of Oklahoma Cancer Center, the Oklahoma State Health Department, the Cherokee Nation, the Choctaw Nation of Oklahoma, and the Oklahoma Conference of Black Mayors; 2) Develop and increase capacity building among these partners to support community-based participatory education, research, and training to reduce cancer health disparities; 3) Develop community-based participatory research and training programs involving these partners to reduce cancer health disparities; 4) Establish credibility and sustainability for CNP activities that reduce cancer health disparities. Local Community Outreach Specialists and Advisory Committees will evaluate cancer health disparities and assess needs within each community. Culturally competent cancer prevention and control activities will be planned and delivered. Research and training initiatives will also be generated from the communities. Evaluation of the CNP will include three levels that will be executed consecutively: process, first and second level goals, and project impact. The CNP anticipates providing evidence-based information for reducing cancer disparities to decision and policy makers at the local, state and national levels ? ?
Janitz, Amanda; Wendelboe, Aaron M; Chou, Ann F et al. (2016) Impact of a National Cancer Prevention and Treatment Program on the Prevalence of Late-Stage Breast Cancer Diagnoses in Oklahoma. J Okla State Med Assoc 109:366-373 |
Wahutu, Margaret; Vesely, Sara K; Campbell, Janis et al. (2016) Pancreatic Cancer: A Survival Analysis Study in Oklahoma. J Okla State Med Assoc 109:391-398 |
Rasbold, Andrea H; Adamiec, Ruth; Anderson, Michael P et al. (2016) Macronutrient and micronutrient intakes of children in Oklahoma child-care centres, USA. Public Health Nutr 19:1498-505 |
Duong, Quyen; Hill Jr, C Larry; Janitz, Amanda E et al. (2016) Trends in Lung and Bronchus, Prostate, Female Breast, and Colon and Rectum Cancers Incidence and Mortality in Oklahoma and the United States from 1999 to 2012. J Okla State Med Assoc 109:347-353 |
Braun, Kathryn L; Stewart, Susan; Baquet, Claudia et al. (2015) The National Cancer Institute's Community Networks Program Initiative to Reduce Cancer Health Disparities: Outcomes and Lessons Learned. Prog Community Health Partnersh 9 Suppl:21-32 |
Campbell, Janis E; Janitz, Amanda E; Vesely, Sara K et al. (2015) Patterns of Care for Localized Breast Cancer in Oklahoma, 2003-2006. Women Health 55:975-95 |
Campbell, Janis E; Martinez, Sydney A; Janitz, Amanda E et al. (2014) Cancer incidence and staging among American Indians in Oklahoma. J Okla State Med Assoc 107:99-107 |
Braun, Kathryn L; Nguyen, Tung T; Tanjasiri, Sora Park et al. (2012) Operationalization of community-based participatory research principles: assessment of the national cancer institute's community network programs. Am J Public Health 102:1195-203 |
Owora, Arthur H; Wendelboe, Aaron; Thompson, David et al. (2010) Breast cancer by stage of disease at diagnosis, central Oklahoma. J Okla State Med Assoc 103:503-7 |
Foster, Morris W; Mulvihill, John J; Sharp, Richard R (2009) Evaluating the utility of personal genomic information. Genet Med 11:570-4 |
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