Conformance with the Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards (MFRPS) Nebraska Department of Agriculture Application for Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Number- RFA-FD-12-007 Project Summary The Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA), Food Safety and Consumer Protection (FSCP), would like to apply for Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) Number RFA-FD-12-007 to assist NDA in achieving compliance with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards (MFRPS). NDA is eligible for this FOA due to our participation in FDA contract #HHSF223200940012C. MFRPS standards compliance in Nebraska will allow us to participate in a National Integrated Food Safety System and comply with various facets of the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA). Our participation in this process will further federal-state cooperation and ultimately result in reducing foodborne illness hazards in Nebraska-based food manufacturers. To accomplish this goal, a Program Coordinator (Agriculture Program Specialist) is needed to facilitate and implement the process. Another key acquisition will be the USAFoodSafety software which will greatly facilitate compliance with MFRPS standards. L: ADM For Dirk GRANT NDA-MFRPS Standards-Project Summary_041212.doc
(FOA Number- RFA-FD-12-007) The Nebraska Department of Agriculture (NDA), Food Safety and Consumer Protection (FSCP), is prepared to begin the process to achieve Manufactured Food Regulatory Program Standards (MFRPS) compliance. Deficiencies were identified by NDA as a result of participation in Food and Drug Administration (FDA) Contract #HHSF223200940012C. Vital to beginning the process is hiring a Program Coordinator (Agriculture Program Specialist) who will be the key liaison between the FSCP Administrator, NDA field personnel, NDA support staff, and FDA as we move towards MFRPS compliance. The Program Coordinator is also ultimately responsible for completing MFRPS compliance for the state of Nebraska in the 5-year timeframe specified by FDA. The purpose of this Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) is to more closely align NDA with federal, state, and local efforts to become a part of a national integrated food safety system. The means to implement this system is outlined in the Food Safety Modernization Act (FSMA), which was signed into law on January 4, 2011. Key to reducing foodborne illness in Nebraska is prevention and uniformity in implementing the MFRPS standards. This achievement will require federal, state, and local cooperation. The NDA Food Laboratory will also be used to identify problems and enforce these standards. To that end, the NDA Food Laboratory will also propose to achieve ISO 17025:2005 laboratory accreditation in the same five-year timeframe via the RFA-FD-12-008 FOA to ensure the reliability and trustworthiness of results. These two FDA funding opportunity announcements will be mutually supportive over the next five years. A significant tool we propose to purchase under this FOA is the USAFoodSafety (USFS) software. Also, an important part of MFRPS compliance will be training and travel for the FSCP Administrator, Program Coordinator, and 14 inspector personnel, as outlined in MFRPS Standard #2. The use of tablet computers for field inspectors will be critical to the performance of inspections of Nebraska food manufacturers using an electronic format. Data retrieval and submission will be greatly streamlined by utilizing the USFS software. Numerous FDA requirements, including audits, are facilitated by this software. Implementing the MFRPS standards will be a five-year process, as outlined in the Research Strategy Section. A strategic plan will be created with FDA's assistance to map the path to MFRPS compliance. L: ADM For Dirk GRANT NDA-MFRPS- Project Narrative_041212.doc