Title: Food Protection Rapid Response Teams (U18)Funding Opportunity Announcement Number (FOA): RFA-FD-12-013The Rhode Island Department of Health proposes to develop, implement, and sustain an all-hazards foodemergency Rapid Response Team (RRT) that conforms with the Best Practices identified by other RapidResponse Teams already in place in other states. We plan to train and prepare staff to effectivelyrespond to foodborne outbreaks, document results, identify potential preventive practices, and makechanges based on lessons learned. The team will also investigate high risk foods that are manufacturedin RI and work with the manufacturer to improve the process and reduce the risk of foodborne illness.Activities performed under this grant will protect public health and decrease the number of people whobecome ill by addressing the outbreak/emergency more efficiently and effectively. Implementing a RapidResponse Team will strengthen intra-agency and interagency collaboration, both to improve effectivenessof multi-agency responses and to build programs on nationally shared best practices and tools.
Title: Food Protection Rapid Response Teams (U18) Funding Opportunity Announcement Number (FOA): RFA-FD-12-013 Foodborne outbreaks and other food emergencies contribute to the more than 48 million foodborne illnesses that CDC estimates occur in the United States each year. This grant response will develop, implement, and sustain a Rapid Response Team to address outbreaks and other food-related emergencies. Having a Rapid Response Team trained to meet best practices will allow RI to respond to food emergencies more efficiently and effectively, which will ultimately protect public health and decrease the number of people who become ill.