It is the intent of the Bear River Health Department (BRHD) to come into full compliancewith Standard 3 by the end of the term of this cooperative agreement. The current practice is toinspect each establishment twice a year regardless of facility type. It is believed that the mosttime consuming aspect of meeting Standard 3 will be to switch from this practice to doinginspections based on the inherent risk of each establishment. The risk of each establishmentwill need to be determined by looking at their inspection history which will require accurate data.Switching to a risk based inspection program will require a strengthening of the infrastructure ofthe program. Currently, our inspectors spend roughly a third of their time with billing, filing, mailing,acting as the receptionist, and doing sundry other basic office duties. This project calls foradditional office help to be hired to free up the inspectors to concentrate on their foodestablishments. In addition, a data management company will need to be hired. Withinspection data organized, BRHD will be able to determine risk levels appropriate for each foodestablishment. There will also be intended consequences of strengthening the infrastructure of the foodsafety program to meet Standard 3. Inspections will become uniform in quality and accuracy.The implementation of a data management system will make reviewing past inspections easierand, thus, more common. Add this to a solid template that every inspector uses, and peerreviews of each inspection, each inspection done will become clear, legible, concise, andaccurate. This will help to meet Standard 4. Accurate data management will allow for a current listing of email contacts for eachretail food establishment to be created. Information on current issues will then be regularlydisseminated. Organized complaints may also be reviewed to find any patterns offoodborne illnesses. These items will help to meet Standard 5. It will be crucial to have equipment capable of fully utilizing a system for the capturingand organizing of inspection data. Outdated computer and field equipment will need to bereplaced. Standard 8 requires that equipment be supplied to meet the other standards. Byextension, BRHD will be meeting Standard 8 as the other standards are met.
This cooperative agreement will enable the Bear River Health Department (BRHD) to more efficiently use its resources by focusing on high risk food establishments when doing inspections. This will require a strengthening of the food safety program's infrastructure. As a consequence, this strengthening will cause all inspections to become uniform in quality and accuracy, enable BRHD to quickly get information out to food establishments in case of an emergency, and track foodborne illness complaint patterns.