The Connecticut Department of Public Health (CT DPH) Food Protection Program (FPP) seeksto improve its capacity and capability to conduct food safety activities that will reduce the risk offoodborne disease. Data is the foundation of public health planning and essential for developingfoodborne disease prevention strategies. The Connecticut Department of Public healthproposes to improve its food safety data system by developing two new modules for Maven, acase management system that was first licensed for CT DPH in 2008 to replace existingstandalone desktop databases used for reportable diseases. Currently there are five Mavenapplications for CT DPH programs that are operational, so there is a well-defined approach todesigning, building, and migrating new systems that will result in a product that functions asintended.Both systems will replace outdated desktop databases in the FPP with limited functioning. Onewill be dedicated to food establishment inspection report form data generated by the 300 localfood inspectors at the 75 local health departments in Connecticut. Data from this system will beused to identify risk factor violations observed during routine inspections, develop compliancestrategies, determine training needs for inspectors, and assist in program planning.The second system will be used for tracking and monitoring of single complaints of foodborneillness. This is necessary for enhancing Connecticut's foodborne disease surveillancecapabilities as most people with foodborne disease do not seek medical care that can result in apositive laboratory test that will identify the organism that caused their illness. This new systemwill replace an older system that is no longer functional and will allow us to monitor illnessreports from a statewide perspective that will lead to a better understanding of the true burdenof foodborne illness and most important, improve our ability to identify outbreaks more rapidly.The third component of the proposal will provide an interface for user friendly access to the databy local health departments and CT DPH. This would allow for data to be shared, monitored,and evaluated by both parties and will be used for improving the capability of food safetyprograms at the state and local level. Future plans would include public access as allowed bylaw.
Relevance This funding will allow the Connecticut Department of Public Health Food Protection Program to collect food establishment inspection and foodborne illness complaint data in a manner that can be used to enhance its capacity and capability to develop and carryout program activities consistent with its mission to reduce the risk of foodborne disease. This is consistent with activities and guidance promoted by the Centers for Disease Control and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.