The Education component of this U19 application is designed to provide training in performing assays, use ofreagents and utilizing technologies in the subject area of human immunology with a focus on agents classifiedas Category A-C by the NIAID, NIH. The program outline attempts to include the most basic training(Human Immunology Core lab- Dr. Chris Ibegbu), to the more advanced (Flow Cytometry and TetramerTechnology- Dr. John D. Altman), to the cutting edge technology (proteomics and genomics assays and datamining- Dr. Alan Aderem) in addition to providing a resource for clinical training (clinical protocoldevelopment/regulatory issues- Dr. Mark Feinberg) and providing an unique opportunity for individualsrequesting training for studies that require BSL 3/4 facilities to be performed following approval at the CDC(Special Pathogens Branch, CDC). Applicants will include laboratory staff, post-doctoral fellows, and facultymembers both from outside the Centers chosen and from those within. It is to be kept in mind that thetechnology and expertise of the various components of the U19 application are indeed quite diverse and assuch considerable amount of cross training between labs within the center would be highly productive besidescementing relationships between members of the various labs. The narrative describes a description of theAdministrative core, the Human Immunology Core, the Flow Cytometry and Tetramer Core, the ClinicalCore, the Genomics/Proteomics Core and the BSL 3/4 biosafety lab training core. The administrative corewill set up a web site for this component of the U19 application that includes a simple application form (copyincluded) that can be down loaded. In addition, this administrative core will be responsible for all the otherfunctions described in the narrative. The rest of the narrative outlines the methods that will be utilized toadvertise the education program, criteria that will be utilized for the selection of the trainees, methods thatwill be utilized for tracking the progress of the trainees, a description of a unique seminar and symposiaprogram and criteria established for evaluation of the education program. This last component is importantsince it will provide us means to continuously improve (if necessary) this education program. It will beoverall objective to provide special consideration to young scientists who can be attracted to become engagedin human immunology research within a biodefense context and to applicants from minorities and underrepresentedinstitutions.
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