The research goals and objectives in this proposal are derived from Tulane's experience as a Center ofExcellence for Environmental Public Health Tracking (EPHT) and reflect areas of research needed to buildthe nationwide EPHT network. The research goal is to advance the science and develop methods to buildthe EPHT network by: 1) Developing, applying and validating methods to collect, integrate, analyze andinterpret data that will support state and local agency EPHT programs; 2) Investigating potential linksbetween environmental hazards, exposure, and health effects; and 3) Disseminating findings to publichealth practitioners, policy makers, the general public and academics. The research plan is based onpartnerships with state and local agencies and is conceptualized to address three of the major researchareas that are needed to advance the EPHT network: 1) Method development to elucidate best practicesand lessons learned to assist the states and local agencies build the nation wide EPHT network. Thisincludes evaluating health and environmental data, designing prototype database and surveillance systems;elucidating methods for linking health and environmental data and applying statistical algorithms to detectpatterns and aberrations. Asthma and air pollution, and mercury in fish will be used to develop and validatethe methods for data collection and building tracking systems. 2) An epidemiological study to investigateco-morbidity of asthma and childhood lead poisoning that examines the relationship between environmentalhazards, exposure and health outcomes; and 3) Supporting the national EPHT network by Implementcommunication and dissemination strategies, training and collaborations that will enhance decision-making,inform the public and advance scientific knowledge about health and the environment.Tulane CAEPH utilizes a collaborative approach to EPHT research and relies on partnerships with state andlocal EPHT programs. This approach is based on the fact that practitioner input is needed for the methodsand products to be usable and effective in agencies. Tulane CAEPH draws upon its experience as a Centerof Excellence in Environmental Public Health Tracking to develop and carry out this research plan tocontribute to building the EPHT network.
Rabito, Felicia A; Horter, Libby; Langlois, Elizabeth C et al. (2013) Blood lead and pediatric asthma. Epidemiology 24:474-6 |