PAR-20-105 The Indiana State Department of Health (ISDH) Laboratories will assist FDA with a prevention-based approach to monitoring the safety of the food supply through increasing food product analysis. ISDH Microbiology, Chemistry and Radiochemistry laboratories will participate in food defense, human food testing and build capacity to test with Whole Genome Sequencing, to test for allergens and expand beta-emitting radionuclide detection. Additional parameters such as the capacity to test for select agents in food will be developed over the course of the grant. ISDH will pursue a method validation project for both microbiology and chemistry this year. In a future year, ISDH will work on the NFSDX and ORAPP integration project.
PAR-20-105 In support of an integrated food safety system, the Indiana State Department of Health Laboratories (ISDHL) will enhance the capacity and capabilities of human food testing through increased sample testing in the areas of microbiology, chemistry and radiochemistry. The project will strengthen and improve FDA?s efforts to prevent foodborne illnesses and minimize exposures to hazards through ISDHL?s participation in a nationally integrated laboratory science system.