The principal objective of the Hawaii IDeA Center for Pediatric and Adolescent Clinical Trials (HIPACT) is toestablish a pediatric clinical trials team in Hawaii to participate in community valued, and scientifically validmulti-center clinical trials, as a partner in the IDeA States Pediatric Clinical Trials Network (ISPCTN). Theoverarching goal is to improve the health and wellbeing of the diverse multiethnic populations of Hawaii. As thewestern most IDeA-eligible state, Hawaii is home to large populations of diverse rural and underservedpopulations, including indigenous Hawaiian communities, and immigrant populations of Pacific Islanders andAsians. These communities suffer geographic isolation nationally as well as locally resulting in significanthealth inequities. Few clinical trials have targeted children from these ethnic groups or Islands. This isunfortunate because these same communities offer a stable population base that is ideal for conducting long-term longitudinal studies. The community-based University of Hawaii at Manoa (UH Manoa) John A. BurnsSchool of Medicine (JABSOM) Department of Pediatrics (DOP) will serve as the home for HIPACT with aninnovative fusion of local and national entities included as partners. Locally, our first partner is the HawaiiPacific Health (HPH) owned regional perinatal medical center - Kapiolani Medical Center for Women andChildren (KMCWC) and the HPH Research Institute (HPHRI). The second partner is the largest communityhealth center in the state ? the Waianae Coast Comprehensive Health Center (WCCHC) that largely servesNative Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders. Nationally, partnerships have been established with theMountain West IDeA Clinical and Translational Research-Infrastructure Network (CTR-IN), and the ResearchCenters in Minority Institutions Translational Research Network (RTRN). The following HIPACT Specific Aimsare proposed: 1) To launch and implement pediatric clinical trials as an ISPCTN site by providing anexperienced, coordinated, and a committed team of pediatric-trained personnel; 2) To engage Hawaii andother IDeA state communities to provide access to clinical trials including rural and underserved infants,children and adolescents, many of who are Asian, Native Hawaiians and Other Pacific Islanders; 3) Tocontribute to the ?science? of ISPCTN multicenter clinical trials research in disparate underserved and/or ruralcommunities by better understanding and overcoming barriers, with the ultimate goal of improving healthoutcomes; and 4) To increase the number and expertise of JABSOM pediatric clinical trials faculty and theirsupport teams through professional training and education, ultimately to expand ISPCTN research capacity.Hence, HIPACT is well positioned with a unique blend of rural and underserved communities, experiencedleadership, committed partners and community leaders to work with ISPCTN and successfully launch andenroll infants, children and adolescents from Hawaii and across IDeA partner institutions in ISPCTN approvedtrials.
The project will establish the Hawaii IDeA Center for Pediatric and Adolescent Clinical Trials (HIPACT) as apartner in the IDeA States Pediatric Clinical Trials Network (ISPCTN). HIPACT will be a unique opportunity towork with ISPCTN and successfully launch and enroll infants; children and adolescents from Hawaii from ruraland underserved communities and across IDeA partner institutions in ISPCTN approved trials.
Snowden, Jessica; Darden, Paul; Palumbo, Paul et al. (2018) The institutional development award states pediatric clinical trials network: building research capacity among the rural and medically underserved. Curr Opin Pediatr 30:297-302 |