Data analysis and interpretation of the orofacial pain supplement questionnaire of the 1989 National Health Interview Survey have been performed. The first paper from this effort provided national estimates of the prevalence of reported orofacial pain symptoms for the U.S. adult, civilian, non-institutionalized population as well as the corresponding sociodemographic distribution for each prevalence rate. A second analysis is on behavioral responses to orofacial pain symptoms for individuals who had experienced pain in the jaw joint and in front of the ear, pain in the face and cheek, burning sensations in the mouth and tongue or a combination of these symptoms for at least two months out of the past six months. Information has been assessed regarding (1) worries about oral and general health; (2) perceived health status; (3) specific health care sought; (4) coping behaviors; and (5) effects of pain on daily activities. The age and gender distribution have been determined by symptom group and behavioral response category.