This project is aimed at the segregation analysis of total serum IgE levels (tIgE) in an isolated fishing village in the Chesapeake Bay; Tangier Island, VA. Under a complete ascertainment scheme, phenotype data are available on 70% of the population with all individuals connected in a single complex pedigree dating back to 1722. Analyses include: 1) the segregation analysis of tIgE, for which use of only restricted genealogical data is feasible; and 2) the impact of utilizing this restricted genealogical information in a segregation analysis of a quantitative trait. Preliminary results of the segregation analysis will be presented at the annual American Society of Human Genetics meeting in October 2002. Two manuscripts are in preparation for submission.
Manolio, Teri A; Barnes, Kathleen C; Naidu, Raana P et al. (2003) Correlates of sensitization to Blomia tropicalis and Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus in asthma in Barbados. Int Arch Allergy Immunol 131:119-26 |