This award supports Claflin University's research capabilities through a coordinated information technology expansion plan called the "Claflin Research Network". Claflin University is building a 10Gbps Science DMZ supporting Big Data research projects through a re-designed campus border prioritizing science data flows. This new component enables the transfer of very large datasets over long distances in a friction-free path. Claflin's collaborators include the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC), Clemson University, and many domestic institutions as well as several international institutions. This project greatly increases Claflin's ability to share data between research collaborators in geographically dispersed institutions around the world.
This project will provide Claflin with the ability to be more competitive and makes Claflin a stronger research partner with the innovation ecosystem. In addition, this project allows for greater research and collaboration possibilities for Claflin's undergraduate and graduate student researchers giving them access to data and technology not currently available at our institution.
This award reflects NSF's statutory mission and has been deemed worthy of support through evaluation using the Foundation's intellectual merit and broader impacts review criteria.