Under this grant, the University of Rhode Island will carry out its first, in a series, major initiatives in educational outreach related to the science and social science aspects of global environmental change through the mechanism of an Honor's Colloquium for the spring semester 1991. The Honor's Colloquium is a combination of public outreach, in the form of Wednesday evening public lectures and a complementary undergraduate course for freshman and sophomore Honor's students. The University of Rhode Island will bring world-renown educators and scientists to the campus during the spring 1991 for the Wednesday evening lectures. They will videotape the evening lectures for long-term educational prospects in the form of additional-to-offered- courses and the development of a new course for the distance- learning market. The invited speaker presentations will be published and available along with curriculum materials and readings to other interested educational institutions and public groups through a number of networks and mechanisms. A Colloquium volume will be produced through the Marine Technology Society through a special issue of the Marine Technology Society Journal. This activity is important because it seeks to increase the pool of qualified students entering the environmental sciences.