9423848 Goldman The goal of this project is to extend the University of Denver atlas of high resolution (approx. 0.002 cm-1) infrared solar absorption stratospheric spectra and the corresponding laboratory and theoretical studies initiated under previous NSF grants. The currently published high resolution stratospheric atlas covers several intervals between 800 and 1690 cm-1. For each interval, accurate line positions with molecular and atomic identifications are tabulated. Numerous new spectral features have been identified and analyzed. The major objectives of this research are: 1) to extend the 0.002 cm-1 resolution atlases over additional intervals in the 2.5-30um region, mostly with solar and laboratory spectra already obtained, and new spectra anticipated to be obtained in 1994-1997; 2) to extend the spectroscopic analysis of specific stratospheric molecules, such as ozone, nitric acid, chlorine nitrate, carbonyl fluoride, nitrogen dioxide, molecular oxygen, and others, from the laboratory and the stratospheric spectra. The current atlas work and the supporting laboratory studies have contributed significantly to our understanding of atmospheric chemistry through atmospheric and solar spectroscopy, and further contributions are expected.