Abstract ATM-9729145 Markgraf, Vera University of Colorado Title: Support for the Scientific Meeting PEP 1: Paleoclimate of the Americas; March 16-20, 1998 in Merida, Venezuela This award supports the first scientific meeting of the Pole- Equator-Pole Paleoclimate of the Americas (PEP 1) Project. It will be held in Merida, Venezuela, March 16 to 20, 1998, under the auspices of the Universidad de Los Andes (Centro de Investigaciones Ecologicas de Los Andes Tropicales, CIELAT, and Centro InterAmericano De Desarollo e Investigacion Ambiental y Territorial, CIDIAT). The objective of this meeting is to review the progress achieved since the 1993 initiation of the PEP 1 Project. The PEP 1 Project is designed to further our understanding of inter-hemispheric climate linkages, past and present. The Merida meeting will address inter-hemispheric aspects of character, timing, and forcing of climate variability and climate change in the Americas and present information from the atmospheric, marine terrestrial and polar ice caps realms. The topics are: Modern Climate Modes and Variability, Last 2000 Years of Climate Variability, El Nino/Southern Oscillation Climate Variability and Teleconnections, Mid-Holocene Climates, Late Glacial Climate Variability, Climate of the Last Glacial Maximum, and Human Dimensions of Climate Change.