Geographic research has been extremely dynamic in recent decades, making the quadrennial congresses sponsored by the International Geographical Union (IGU) especially important settings at which scholars from throughout the world meet to exchange the most current results of their research and to plan future collaborative activities. The 27th Congress of the ISPRS will be held in Washington, D.C., in early August 1992, providing an excellent opportunity for American scientists to meet directly with experts from throughout the rest of the world. This award provides support for the 1992 IGU Congress in two ways. First it provides financial assistance to offset costs of the planning and operation of the congress. Second, it provides a means by which other federal government agencies may provide financial support through interagency agreements that will fund supplements to the initial award. This award will provide valuable financial assistance for the planning and operation of the largest and most significant gathering of geographers from throughout the world since the 1984 IGU Congress in Paris. As has been true of past IGU activities, enhanced scholarship and increased involvement in international collaborative activities by American geographers will result. Further positive consequences of this grant will be realized if NSF can assist in channelling contributions from other federal agencies to this important activity.