This CAREER project seeks to advance research and education programs in thermal-fluid-surface interactions involving nanoengineered surfaces with an emphasis on condensation phenomena. Using experimental and analytical approaches, the research program seeks to understand how atomistic and nanoscale properties of surfaces ultimately define macroscale heat and mass transport properties during phase change. The studies could lead to new, nanoengineered surfaces that might fundamentally alter condensation phenomena pertinent to various industries including but not limited to energy, water, agriculture and transportation.
Intellectual Merit: Both the wettability and morphology of a surface play dominant roles in phase change transport phenomena. This project address both issues. First, the existing theories regarding intrinsic wettability and wetting hysteresis are only useful to analyze wetting properties of a given surface. They cannot answer the question of what fundamental material properties govern the intrinsic wettability of a surface. As a result, material choice for active surfaces is typically based on a trial-and-error approach. This project will establish a fundamental understanding of the atomistic and electronic-structure properties that govern intrinsic wettability and wetting hysteresis using both quantum mechanical calculations and unique experimental techniques to enable engineers to design new classes of durable materials with desired wetting properties. Second, although wetting studies involving micro- and nanostructured surfaces have been conducted for some time, investigation of condensation on nanostructured surfaces is uncommon. Moreover, the influence of hierarchical structures and wetting heterogeneities on condensation at the nanoscale has not been explored. This project will lead to new surfaces that are designed to control nucleation, growth, and dynamic wetting phenomena.
Broader Impacts: Phase change phenomena are ubiquitous in the energy and water industries. These engineering systems have been designed using incremental approaches that are bound by the fundamental constraint of the nature of the thermal-fluid-surface interaction where the largest inefficiencies occur. This research could eliminate these age-old constraints for transformational efficiency gains in various industries. The educational and outreach activities of the program will target participants at various levels: undergraduate students, especially from underrepresented minorities and women, will be actively engaged in research. Summer training workshops for K-12 teachers and students will be provided. Graduate students will be an integral part of the program. New discoveries will be disseminated through technical publication and integrated into a new interdisciplinary course on nanoengineered surfaces. Outreach to industry and technology transfer will be conducted through shorter, fast-paced summer courses. These educational activities will be crucial in equipping the next generation of scientists and engineers with expertise in the combined areas of nanoengineering, surface science, and thermal-fluid science to address global challenges involving energy, water, and agriculture.