Funding will partially support participant travel to the American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, 65th Annual DFD Meeting 2012 in San Diego, CA, November 18-20, 2012. This is the largest international annual meeting of fluid dynamicists in the world, with 2500 anticipated attendees. The meeting has been successfully run for over sixty years. The intellectual merit of this conference lies in the exchange of scientific ideas, presentations of cutting edge research and exposure to a richly diverse array of topics in virtually every sub-discipline of fluid dynamics. The broader impact will be to increase participation of students and young scientists who would not otherwise be able to afford to travel to the meeting and pay associated costs.
The NSF funding from this grant was used to facilitate participant travel to the American Physical Society, Division of Fluid Dynamics, 65th Annual DFD Meeting 2012 in San Diego, CA, November 18-20, 2012. This is the largest international annual meeting of fluid dynamicists in the world. The meeting has been successfully run for over sixty years. The Division of Fluid Dynamics (DFD) of the American Physical Society (APS) promotes interest in the subject of fluid dynamics by providing financial assistance in the form of travel subsidy grants to a number of potential participants in the Division's Annual Meeting, for whom the associated travel and registration costs might be prohibitive. The Division particularly seeks to support young scientists and those who might otherwise not be able to attend the meeting. Toward this end, the Division accepts applications for travel awards as follows: • Institutions in the U.S. and Canada: awards to selected applicants consist of a $500 travel subsidy grant. • Institutions in Western Europe, Japan and Russia: awards to selected applicants consist of a $1000 travel subsidy grant. • Institutions in Mexico: awards to selected applicants consist of a $500 travel subsidy grant and coverage of the meeting registration fee. • Institutions in other countries: awards to selected applicants consist of a $1000 travel subsidy grant and coverage of the meeting registration fee. APS/DFD received 304 on-time applications for the 2012 meeting. Of the 304 applications, the top 65 as ranked by the External Affairs Committee (in charge of the travel awards process) were funded. The NSF funds are used exclusively for US-based students. Complimentary sources of funding are from The American Institute of Physics and the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics. Overall, the awardees represented 17 different countries (USA, Mexico, Australia, India, UK, France, Germany, Japan, Israel, Brazil, Turkey, China, Singapore, Russia, Korea, Poland, Hong Kong– ordered by numbers awarded). All awardees are the presenting author of their paper; 46 are graduate students, 17 undergraduate students and 2 postdocs.