The overall goal of this project is to develop the computational tools needed to guide metabolic engineering efforts in cyanobacteria for biofuel production. Cyanobacteria experience a dynamic cellular environment that is driven by circadian rhythms. The impacts of this environment on biofuel production in cyanobacteria are poorly understood, and this projects aims to better understand this changing cellular environment through computational and experimental techniques.
Cyanobacteria are an attractive production platform due to their ability to utilize solar energy and fix atmospheric carbon. In addition, they exhibit rapid doubling times and have an established molecular biology toolbox. Unlike their heterotrophic counterparts, little work has focused on developing metabolic models of global metabolism in photosynthetic organisms that accurately describe the dynamics experienced during light:dark cycles. These organisms exhibit unique cellular conditions and challenges that can substantially alter overall titers of molecules produced. During light conditions in a photosynthetic platform, redox potential and cyclic electron flow conditions are much more favorable for heterologous fuel production. This project plans to address these deficiencies by developing a dynamic flux balance analysis (FBA) model of metabolism that captures the changing dynamics experienced under light:dark cycles. This dynamic FBA model will be generated utilizing experimental methods that include metabolomics, transcriptomics, and proteomics. This will be the first dynamic FBA model developed for a photosynthetic organism. This model will then be utilized to generate testable hypothesis to identify key genetic modifications that will increase biofuel productivity. This work will contribute to an overall understanding of cellular metabolism in a photosynthetic organism and can be applied to other photosynthetic organisms of interest.
The strain created from these studies will lead directly to photosynthetic advanced biofuel production with the potential to be economically and environmentally sustainable. This strain will serve as a platform for future research on biofuel upgrading strategies and on biochemical production strategies. The project will provide interdisciplinary training for undergraduate and graduate students, with significant efforts being made to include members of underrepresented groups. Students will gain experience in mathematical modeling of metabolism, metabolic engineering, synthetic biology, and microbial cell cultivation of photosynthetic organisms. These experiences will place the students at the forefront of research in synthetic biology and biofuel production in photosynthetic organisms. The project will also provide opportunities for mentoring of K-12 students in research.