The PIs plan to acquire a 3-D multicolor N-STORM Superresolution Microscopy System and establish a Nanoscopy Laboratory of the City College of New York (CCNY). The STORM system will immediately enable 28 research topics or areas proposed by 21 faculty members, most of whom are leaders of their own groups/labs, in 8 departments including Electrical Engineering, Biomedical Engineering, Physics, Biology, Chemistry, Mechanical Engineering, Physiology/Pharmacology/Neuroscience, and Microbiology/ Immunology. The research activities enabled by N-STORM and performed in this project will enhance the spatiotemporal resolution of STORM, clarify a number of biomedical hypotheses and phenomena established by other means, and result in insightful novel biomedical knowledge. They will promote teaching, training, and learning and improve basic science research, disease diagnostic assessment, and therapeutics development. The results will be broadly disseminated and applied in the fields of nanoscopy, cell biology, neurobiology, and medicine to enhance scientific, technological and clinical understanding.