9308666 Ferrand This is an award to support research, the objective of which is to develop effective approaches to accommodating the influence that natural heterogeneity of soils has on the movement of non-aqueous phase liquids through them. The investigator plans on conducting her experiments in relatively large-scale, laboratory soil flumes packed with heterogeneous soils. Fluid saturations and pressures will be monitored and recorded by time-domain reflectometry and tensiometer/transducer systems to establish spatially-averaged steady-state and transient relationships of the fluids moving through the soils. Coarse-grid simulations of the experiment will be performed to determine the best way in which these relationships can be used to accurately predict fluid displacements. The proposal leading to this award was submitted in response to NSF 92-122, Research Initiation Awards Program Announcement and Guidelines. Results are expected to improve models used in engineering design of remediation processes and systems for decontamination of contaminated soils.