CTS-9358508 University of California-Davis Stephanie R. Dungan ABSTRACT This NSF Young Investigator award supports the research and teaching interests of Stephanie R. Dungan at the University of California-Davis. A teaching objective of the recipient includes incorporating more quantitative study in her Department of Food Science and Technology at the undergraduate level in line with the present needs of industry. Additionally, she plans to develop a course in colloid and interface science with a laboratory component for students from chemical engineering, where she holds a joint appointment. In her research, the awardee will examine the partitioning of hydrophobic flavor and preservative agents in micelles and microemulsions in line with an emphasis on transport kinetics and its influence on flavor perception. S PRE .N T"" AUTOEXECBAT X J BURKA PRE dP #zs SAVERS j " ICONS j " LM Y CTS-9358508 University of California-Davis Stephanie R. Dungan ABSTRACT This NSF Young Investigator award supports the ! ! F E E ( Times New Roman Symbol & Arial Apple LaserWriter II NT LPT3: pscript Apple LaserWriter II NT U D o d , X Z e " h C C 1 Nichelle Coward Nichelle Coward