This proposal is to explore the most promising emerging applications of Nanoscience to energy conversion and storage. This proposal will consider possible methods for improved efficiency in the following tasks: (i) conversion to electricity of solar energy and/or heat (photo-voltaics and thermocouplers), and (ii) storage and release of energy (e.g., fuel cell and battery technology).
Rather than conduct new research, the proposal tasks will be restricted to study of research challenges, applications, and opportunities to NSF. To this end, the proposal requests NSF support for a limited scope NSF workshop on this topic in targeted areas of emerging interdisciplinary research.
Broader Impact This NSF workshop will impact both the research community in Nanoscience as well as other disciplines engaged in the study of energy technologies. To insure involvement by graduate students, a number of their travel and local expenses will be supported. The PI and his institution, Duke University, purely as a service, make aspects of the proposal available to the community. There will no overhead charged on any aspect of this Workshop.
The workshop will also benefit the NSF to allow for the identification of targeted research opportunities and challenges in applications of key importance to US economy and industry.