With support from the Chemistry Research Instrumentation and Facilities: Instrument Development (CRIF:ID) Program, Professor Guyot-Sionnest of the University of Chicago will develop a state-of-the-art laser system for spectroscopy in the mid-infrared (mid-IR) spectral region. This new instrumentation will be constructed from a diode-pumped Nd:YLF laser and two optical parametric oscillators. It will provide two tunable laser pulses in the 2-10 micrometer range with high repetition rate, one wavenumber spectral resolution, and 20-picosecond time resolution. This combination of features is not available currently and will fill a valuable niche in chemical and physical research. In the PI's research group, the new instrumentation will used to study the spectra and dynamics of colloidal quantum dots and provide a tool for the vibrational spectroscopy of surfaces.
Several graduate students will be intimately involved in constructing and using the new laser system. Once constructed, it will allow the students to perform new experiments that are not possible with current instrumentation. The new instrumentation will also provide an improved and more reliable design for other researchers, especially those involved in nonlinear spectroscopy.