9403111 Schultz Dr. Brian E. Schultz has been awarded an NSF Postdoctoral Research Fellowship in Chemistry. Dr. Schultz's doctoral degree was from Harvard University under the sponsorship of Professor Richard Holm. Dr. Schultz will continue research at the California Institute of Technology under the sponsorship of Professor Sunney Chan. Dr. Schultz's postdoctoral fellowship will provide him with bio-inorganic training in protein synthesis and purification, fast kinetics, and advanced spectroscopic skills such as EPR, Resonance Raman and ENDOR. Longer term, he plans to study the role of redox-active metals in protein folding and the ramifications on enzyme mechanisms where redox-based conformational changes are used as allosteric controls or in active ion transport. The Postdoctoral Research Fellowships in Chemistry Program is viewed as an important infrastructural program designed to broaden the knowledge and experience of new Ph.D.s and attract them into meaningful careers in contemporary chemical research and teaching. ***