This award from the Academic Research infrastructure Program will help the Department of Chemistry at the University of Missouri-Columbia acquire an Automated Neutron Irradiation Nuclear Spectroscopy System which will be used in research. The research activity to be supported includes research and research training utilizing: (1) instrumental neutron activation analysis (INAA), including variations such as epithermal INAA (EINAA), cyclic INAA (CINAA) and cyclic epithermal INAA (CEINAA), (2) radiochemical neutron activation analysis (RNAA), and (3) radioisotope production. Neutron Irradiation/Nuclear Spectroscopy systems allows scientists to determine the energies of neutrons and their relative intensities by observing the gamma rays released in nuclear reactions. Activation Analysis bombards a specimen with neutrons, where identification is made by measuring the resulting ratio isotope.