The focus of this research is in the area of electron transfer catalysis. A combination of computational and experimental methods will be used to study electrocyclic reactions, electron transfer catalyzed vinycyclopropane rearrangements and the radical cation Bergman cyclization. The educational focus will consist of the development of a course entitled `Computers in Chemistry.` The course links computational chemistry to practical applications and involves industrial participants. With this Faculty Early Development (CAREER) award, the Organic and Macromolecular Chemistry Program is supporting the research and educational activities of Dr. Olaf G. Wiest of the Department of Chemistry at the University of Notre Dame. Professor Wiest will focus his research efforts on the area of electron transfer catalysis. A combination of computational and experimental techniques will help in understanding the role of radical cations in electrocyclic reactions, an important class of organic transformations. The educational activities will focus on the interface between theory and experiment and stresses computational chemistry at the undergraduate and graduate level