The Inorganic, Bioinorganic and Organometallic Chemistry Program of the Chemistry Division supports the research of Dr. David B. Rorabacher and Dr. Ronald R. Schroeder, Department of Chemistry, Wayne State University, and of Dr. Leo A. Ochrymowycz, Department of Chemistry, University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire. The project involves an investigation of the redox behavior of copper(II)/(I) systems in which electron transfer and conformational changes occur sequentially rather than by a concerted fashion. The results will be relevant in efforts of being able to manipulate structure to control gated electron transfer events.
The results from this wide ranging proposal will be useful in addressing how gated electron transfer processes take place in biological systems. Results will also be of interest in the design of specific catalytic systems. Undergraduate and graduate students from both institutions will receive excellent training in photochemistry and in electron transfer chemistry.