Key individuals from the petrotechnical community will describe relevant best practices and will provide a forward-looking view of the challenges and opportunities in extending high-temperature, high pressure drilling technologies toward fit-for-purpose applicability to enhanced geothermal recovery efforts. An important element of each presentation will be devoted to needed research and development in the topical area, especially that R&D that could be undertaken in a deep underground science and technology laboratory (DUSEL) facility.
There will be ample time for questions and interaction between the petrotechnical, geothermal and rock mechanics representatives, and the R&D experts invited. A designated rapporteur will summarize the session in the wrap-up session. Electronic copies of presentations and discussion will be assembled into a report that will be available on the Web and in hard copy.
This project will advance the field of geo-engineering and rock mechanics by identifying for consideration needed research, some of which might be undertaken at the proposed deep underground science and engineering laboratory. In the high-temperature, high-pressure drilling arena, research advances would open the way for exploitation of geothermal energy resources.