The research objective of this Faculty Early Career Development (CAREER) project is the understanding and simulation of the deformation behavior of polymers at small dimensions. The research includes experimental and theoretical investigations as well as numerical simulation analyses. At small dimensions the deformation of polymers can be dependent on the length scale. Such size dependent deformation has been observed in indentation experiments of polymers where significant increases in the hardness at small indentation depths have been observed. The size dependent deformation of polymers at the micrometer to sub-micrometer length scale is not well known and a sound theory and rationale is not available. The purpose of this project is the development and verification of a theory for such size dependent deformation.
The understanding of the deformation behavior of polymers at small dimensions is of great importance not only for technological advancement but also for the fundamental advancement of polymer physics and chemistry. Technological applications include micro-/nano-electromechanical systems, sensors, composites. Alongside the technological importance, the size dependent deformation is also of importance for the fundamental issues in polymer physics and materials science like contact and friction, fracture and delamination, and deformation mechanisms at material interfaces. As polymers ? in a broader sense ? are also found in biological materials, the findings of this project may also aid in the understanding of the deformation mechanisms in human bones and tissue, wood, and exoskeletons. The scientific research of this project is integrated into the educational activities. Students of underrepresented groups including individuals with disabilities and Native American Indians will actively participate in the research activities and educational program of this project via summer camps and undergraduate research.