9523546 Altan This award supports the, October 10-11, 1995, "Advanced Technology for Die and Mold Manufacturing Conference" in Columbus, OH. It will be co-sponsored by the NSF Engineering Research Center for Net Shape Manufacture. It has the moral support of the International Institution for Production Research (CIRP), and Modern Machine Shop Magazine. Several international speakers on die and mold manufacturing technologies from Europe and Asia are CIRP members and their travel will be supported by this grant. Modern Machine Shop Magazine will promote the conference in its monthly publication. Rapid and accurate die and mold making is a key to agile manufacturing and competitiveness, with many significant research opportunities such as: representation of contoured mold designs, machine tools with the controls and equipment to produce the designs, innovative finishing and surface treatment, and design and simulation applications that incorporate The thermo-mechanical models of the processes that use this type of tooling.. This conference provides a unique opportunity for the research community to focus on this technical problem and interact directly with the down stream users of the research developments. ***