This award provides partial support for Technical Activities Program of the Federal Facilities Council (FFC), operated through the Board on Infrastructure and the Constructed Environment (BICE), Commission on Technical and Engineered Systems (CETS), National Research Council. The BICE provides overall guidance for the FFC program, and serves as a link between the sponsoring federal agencies and other elements of the building community, both national and international. The Technical Activities Program was formulated by the FFC in consultation with members of seven standing committees and the Senior Representatives of the Sponsoring Agencies. The program supports: 1) initiating three information studies focusing on performance measures; best practices in design review; and, integrating sustainable design, life-cycle costing, and value engineering in facility design; 2) convening four conferences and workshops on facility management-related topics; 3) publishing seven reports based on the studies and conferences, and 4) interagency coordination and networking activities among the member organizations.