The Internet Measurement Conference (IMC), sponsored by ACM SIGCOMM will be held in San Diego, California, October 24-26, 2007. IMC is the primary venue for presenting new research results on collecting and analyzing measurements of the Internet. This award provides travel assistance to enable graduate students to attend the conference. Attending conferences such as IMC is of extremely importance for graduate students pursuing research in the field. Authors have the opportunity to present their work and all attendees have a chance to interact with many others performing leading-edge research in the field.
Intellectual Merit: This proposal will serve to widen the audience attending the Internet Measurement Conference, raising the level of interaction and the potential for new collaboration, new investigations, and higher quality research.
Broader Impact: This proposal, by enabling students to attend who might not otherwise be able, will increase the dissemination of the conference's research results to a larger and more diverse audience. Giving preference in grant awards to women and minority students will widen the participation among these underrepresented groups. Furthermore, by advertising to a wide range of colleges and universities, participants from a more diverse set of institutions should be able to attend and benefit from the conference.