This award provides funds to the Biology Department at Cal State University, Los Angeles to establish a Research Experience for Undergraduates Site. Funds will support 8 undergraduate students in seven areas of biological research: Developmental Biology, Population Biology, Behavioral Genetics, Renal Physiology, Physiological Animal Ecology, Neurobiology, and Molecular Biology. The 8 students will be supported for 12 weeks of full time research during the summer of 1989. At least 1/2 of these students will be recruited from 2-year and 4-year colleges and universities throughout California, with the remaining students from on campus. Minorities, women, disabled and economically disadvantaged students will be the target group. Cal State L.A. has had no difficulty targeting these groups, since the majority of the students (70%) are minority, are women (56%), and are economically disadvantaged (90%). The University also has an active disabled students program that recruits students with various physical disabilities. The campus is located in East Los Angeles servicing the San Gabriel Valley which is predominantly Hispanic.