The Neuroscience Center at Brigham Young University proposes to establish a Research Experiences for Undergraduate (REU) Site in Neuroscience. Special efforts will be made to recruit students from underrepresented groups/individuals in Neuroscience and especially those from two and four year colleges in our geographical region (and throughout the U.S.) that have little or no research opportunities. Special efforts will be made to encourage women and minorities to apply. Due to the geographical location and past successful track record in supporting undergraduate research the program expects to be especially effective in reaching Native American, Hispanic, and Pacific Island students. A total of 10 students will participate in this REU site during a 10 week summer program covering Neuroscience research areas, such as, hormones and behavior, neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, electrophysiology, immunocytochemistry, molecular neurobiology, neuroimaging, and regulatory behaviors. The students will receive instruction in experimental research techniques by participating in ongoing or new research projects that require each student to present oral and written reports of their research activities. One of the major goals is to produce scientifically literate individuals having the ability to design, conduct and analyze research activities. Moreover, to have undergraduate students think critically in an integrative fashion based upon research-rich and inquiry-based research curricula (through scientific articles, literature searches and training in auxiliary research skills). As a result of this experience, the program will provide research opportunities for undergraduates in Neuroscience that will be critical in their educational training so that each student may draw upon first hand experiences that will assist them in future career choices in science.