9407856 Wissinger There is accumulating evidence that ecologists' perceptions of the structure of aquatic food webs has been overly simplistic. Recently there has been much interest, but relatively little data on intraguild predation (IGP; i.e., predation of species with similar feeding habits on one another). The objectives of this research project are to determine the effects of intraguild predation and cannabalism among caddisfly larvae on adult fitness, study the proximate mechanisms that mediate IGP among caddisflies, and quantify the direct and indirect effects of other invertebrate predators and salamander on the outcome of these caddisfly interactions. This research will provide the first data on intraguild predation in aquatic detritis-feeding organisms. The results will improve our understanding of the functioning of aquatic ecosystems and have application in aquatic pollution abatement and management of aquatic ecosystems.