This proposal describes a Track 1 project developed by Texas A&M University in partnership with six rural schools for integrated physics and chemistry education and outreach. The proposal is centered on the Texas State Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC) curriculum. The proposed goals include: 1) Establish partnerships between Texas A&M University and Region 6 high schools in at least 5 districts for the improvement of the IPC curriculum. 2) Enhance science graduate student fellows communication, teaching, and team-building skills by engaging them in planning and team teaching with high school IPC teachers while broadening their scientific knowledge base. 3) Provide professional development for IPC teachers to tighten their connection between current knowledge about how people learn and their implementation of state-provided materials designed to support student-directed inquiry in IPC classes. 4) Establish a 10-year outreach program bringing these students to campus to see the IPC curriculum in contemporary science research and in everyday life.