This proposal describes a Track 1 project developed by Ohio University in partnership with rural Appalachian Middle Schools. The STEAM (Science and Technology Enrichment for Appalachian Middle school students) project aims to broaden graduate education for engineering students at Ohio University and improve learning in science courses for middle school students at six surrounding middle school. The project seeks to improve Graduate Fellow communication, instruction, and teamwork skills; improve middle school student academic performance in science and mathematics; increase middle school student interests in science, mathematics, and technology; and refresh science teacher s technology knowledge. To accomplish these goals, K-12 teachers and Fellows will develop digital curricular content involving novel technologies, which will be ready for other middle school science teachers to use in their science classroom. In the process, the success of Fellows will be showcased to the University community, which will foster cultural change in the institution towards the recognition of the irreplaceable benefits of GK-12-style community service learning.