This project will support the completion of the photoemission spectromicroscope MAXIMUM (Multiple-Application X-Ray Imaging Undulator Microscope) at the Wisconsin Synchrotron Radiation Center (SRC). Phase I of the project, produced a working prototype of MAXIMUM and micrographs produced by a scanning photoelectron microscope with a resolution of one micron over a 1 millimeter2 area. The prototype serves two fundamental purposes: it demonstrates the feasibility of technical solutions (in particular, the use of multilayer-coated near-normal-incidence reflection devices - the Schwarzchild objectives - for x-ray focussing); it now allows experience with a working microscope. Phase II will transform this prototype into an even more advanced instrument, and into a complete research facility for materials and biological sciences. The experience gained during Phase I gives a unique advantage in completing this project. At the end of Phase II. MAXIMUM will be made available to the general users community through peer-review selection of research proposals based on merit. ***//