9403049 Loehman The compositions and structure of polynary oxide glasses free of classical network formers and containing high-atomic-number cations will be investigated and related to selected properties, including efficiency of dopants for optical upconversion or amplification, nonlinear refractive index, and suitability for fiber formation. This proposal aims to explore in greater depth the existence, preparation, structure, and selected optical properties of oxide glasses free of the classical network formers boron oxide, silica, germania, phosphorus and arsenic oxides. The two primary motivations for this work are: 1) to increase our basic understanding of glass formation and structure, and 2) to generate optical data for new glass forming systems. Based on the characteristics of the component oxides, the physical and chemical properties of the new glasses are expected to be suitable for practical applications. Glasses made from these oxides are of interest as hosts for optically active dopants because currently available glasses have either good mechanical and chemical properties or desirable optical properties, but not both. %%% The compositions and structures of polynary oxide glasses free of classical network formers and containing high atomic number cations will be investigate and related to selected properties and suitability for fiber formation. ***