Quiver varieties and crystal bases of quantum affine algebras at NCSU, May 25-29, 2010
The interaction between quiver representations and Lie theory has sparkled several important developments in mathematics, On the one hand Lusztig's canonical basis or Kashiwara's crystal bases for quantum enveloping algebras have been a key propeller for the developments in Lie theory. On the other hand, Nakajima's work on quiver varieties has lead to new connection among representation theory, geometry and mathematical physics.
In order to make this new area of research accessible to a wide audience we are organizing a CBMS conference on "Quiver theory and crystal bases of quantum affine algebras" at North Carolina State University during May 25-29, 2010 with Hiraku Nakajima as the principal speaker. As the inventor of quiver varieties and a leading practioner in this field, Prof. Nakajima will give ten lectures on the subject aiming to introduce graduate students and new comers to the current research and chart possible future directions. We encourage participation from women, minorities, and persons with disabilities by giving priority for financial support.