This proposal aims to investigate an approach to measuring the success of school strategies for reform to be used by evaluators. It tests whether a social network analysis of professional interactions among teachers can provide a useful indicator of school leaders effectiveness in supporting reform. It will demonstrate techniques for measuring networks of professional interactions, changes in social networks as the innovation is initiated, and the relationship between both and previous capacity, and the criteria for representing capacity. The study would use technology integration and describe how the capacity for technology influences classroom practice, such as the speed of the reforms in increasing use of the Internet. Thus, the study is intended to show whether ties that form among teachers by talking about technology use creates enduring collegial ties within schools. It will give information about the similarities and differences in formation of social networks on technology and other reforms supported by school leaders in the school. The project is an exploratory study intended to explore ways of developing a fine-grained tool that measures interaction within a professional community, such as teachers.