The investigator has created a protocol for developing evaluations of programs using a web-based system. The project will assess the degree to which the Systems Evaluation Protocol (SEP) is associated with changes in organizational evaluation capacity and performance outcomes. The investigator will conduct a trial of how well this protocol would work in two NSF funded research settings: a Materials Science and Engineering Centers and a 4-H Engineering and Technology program. The project includes a development phase where the investigator will be testing and enhancing the on-line system using a team of evaluators, educators, and software engineers. It also includes a phase to empirically measure the results of the evaluation protocol on evaluation quality. The intent of the project is to significantly enhance knowledge of STEM education evaluation and how to implement it with rigor. The results are intended to inform educators and education researchers about the strengths and weaknesses of these evaluation methods. The researcher has established an intern program to advance the role of underrepresented populations in evaluation.