The proposed project is designed to improve the quality of instruction of physics and physical science in Virginia and neighboring parts of West Virginia and Tennessee. Program components include: (1) Summer course-work sessions during the summers of 1989 and 1990. Summer 1989 courses will include physics fundamentals and techniques for teaching physics concepts. Summer 1990 courses will be topically oriented and build on the foundation from 1989. Courses will include Computers in Physics Education, The Physics Around You, Electromagnetic Devices, and a seminar in current research topics. (2) Academic year 1989-90 activities will include four 8-hour Saturday seminars on campus for sharing experiences with new techniques, presentations by active researchers, and workshops on teaching topics to be selected by participants. Academic year 1990-91 will include two more such seminars. (3) Each participant will conduct or assist in conducting two workshops for other teachers in his/her own geographical area. A total of 14 such workshops will be held. (4) A Physics Telephone Hotline will be available on which any teacher may call the Virginia Tech Physics Department for assistance with a teaching concern. (5) An electronic bulletin board will be maintained for communication between participants, staff, and other teachers for sharing ideas, data, and techniques. Twenty one participants will be recruited -- 1/3 experienced and 2/3 inexperienced. Special attention will be given to teachers from the rural schools. Visitation of each participant's school by faculty provided the primary evaluation of the program. Cost-sharing is approximately 28% of the National Science Foundation request.