This project is a program of activities and experiences for students in grades K-6, particularly disabled and limited English Proficiency students, with a focus on encouraging disabled students to pursue studies leading to technological careers. It provides opportunities for disabled scientists to serve as role models for disabled students, and helps all students and teachers overcome biases against disabled people. It also encourages teachers and administrators to work together to make decisions concerning their schools' science programs. By the end of the 2-year program, 60 disabled scientists, engineers and technicians will have attended one of two 150-hour training institutes, and have developed conceptual, multimodal science lessons, which they will have presented to various combinations of teachers and students in at least 40 elementary schools. Each school will have received approximately 50 hours- per-year of Scientists' teaching time. Teachers and principals will have worked together to determine how, when, by whom, and to whom the lessons will be presented. The second year expands the number of Scientists and lessons and permits teachers and principals involved in the first year to participate in improving all elements of the program.