Proposal No. ESIE 93-55599 Proposal Name: A LIFE OF SCIENCE PI: Judith Vecchione ABSTRACT WGBH Educational Foundation is producing a prime time television series and informal education outreach component entitled "A Life of Science." Each of the six one-hour programs in the series will profile a contemporary woman scientist: Lydia Villa-Komaroff, biologist; Melissa Franklin, physicist; Misha Mahowald, computational neuroscientist; Marcia NcNutt, geologist; Lynda Jordan, biochemist; and Patty Jo Watson, archaeologist. The stories will present their scientific quests and careers but also will be about scientific lives. An outreach plan, which centers around a national campaign called "The Missing Persons Investigation," will target two primary constituencies: girls and boys 11-14 years of age and their adult teachers and youth service community leaders. The project will serve these audiences in formal school-based settings as well as in the informal settings of community-based organizations and institutions. Beyond these immediate target groups, the outreach project will reach a broad and diverse national public through related activities including demonstrations exhibits, community campaigns at local public television stations, and media partnerships. A comprehensive promotion plan has been devised to inform the public of both the series and the outreach component of the project. u ~ y; = $ n $ p @ P ! $`'0* .n1>4 7 9 <~?NB E G J M^P.S U >a f~l r w = $ n $ p @ P ! $`'0* .n1>4 7 9 <~?NB E G J M^P.S U >a f~l r w = $ n $ p @ P ! $`'0* .n1>4 7 9 <~?NB E G J M^P.S U >a f~l r w $ $ = $ q % p @ P ! $`'0* .n1>4 7 9 <~?NB E G J M^P.S U >a f~l r w F G CG Times (WN) Symbol " Univers (WN) 1 Courier 1 MS LineDraw h r s , Hyman Field Melissa M. Lee

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Wgbh Educational Foundation
United States
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